Hair. Yes – hair. To think of all the time and money I’ve spent on my hair over the years. From the days when I had absolutely no clue what I was doing, to the times when I thought I knew what I was doing. From the moments when I knew my hair was doomed to being unmanageable and that I just had to figure out how to manipulate it, to change it, to cover it, to do everything but take care of it. I have been through it all. Sometimes you think, “how can something like hair be that important?” I question my sanity for caring just that much for what amounts to dead fibers that sits high, or hangs low on your head. But my hair journey has been a worthwhile one, much more than the superficial fiber that sits atop my head, instead just as alive and deep as the hair follicle that sits beneath my scalp. It has been a journey of ups, downs, frustration and finally understanding.

A funny but true fact, SheaMoisture products were the first products I used that made me realize that all along I was not using the right products. Prior to using their products, my hair felt coarse, tangled- unmanageable- and it all had to do with my ignorance as to what would be good for my hair. – I used to be so frustrated to the point of wanting to run a pair of scissors through my hair, so you have no idea what it meant to use a shampoo that didn’t leave my hair in knots. SheaMoisture highlighted better for you ingredients- yes that list at the back of products that I had never even glanced at in the past, and a list of “no’s” for ingredients that won’t be good for my hair health. Much about my hair care revolves around routines- and most of the time it’s a Sunday routine. Some “me” time when I give myself love and I get love. That time of week when I get to give some time and care to my wellbeing, my skin, my hair. I treat them good and they in turn treat me good.

The routine may be familiar to most of you – maybe cos it’s similar to yours or because I’ve shared it before. But just in case, I’ll let you in on how it goes for me. It always starts the same 2 way- with a shampoo (an actual shampoo) no co-wash for me. First, I use the Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen & Restore Shampoo, followed by the Coconut & Hibiscus Curl & Shine Conditioner. And if I have the time, something I try to do at least once a month is a hair masque. I am less concerned these days about the perfect twist out, but when I’m going for that- I use the ever dependable SheaMoisture Coconut & Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smoothie to help with defined curls. If I’m going for less defined coils or twists- as is the case when I’m rocking big hair, then I apply the Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen & Restore Leave-In Conditioner and the 100% Virgin Coconut Oil Leave-In Treatment which has coconut milk. I also use the Jamaican Black Castor Strengthen & Restore Edge Treatment to treat and lay my edges- I have a bad habit of pulling my hair back into a bun quite a bit and this helps counter the damage. Six big twists and I’m set. That’s it- done. There’s so much I now take for granted as I’ve been natural for a while now. But I do get emails and questions and I thought it’d be great to share products I love and use (as well as new discoveries) so that maybe just like me- you’ll be able to appreciate your self-care day (whatever day of the week it may be) as much as I appreciate mine now. Haircare day has gone from a much loathed process to a very necessary one- kinks, twists, coils and all.

Product Highlights: All can be purchased here.

  • Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen & Grow Shampoo

  • Coconut & Hibiscus Curl & Shine Conditioner

  • Coconut & Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smoothie

  • Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen & Restore Leave In Conditioner

  • 100% Virgin Coconut Oil Leave-In Treatment

  • Jamaican Black Castor Strengthen, Grow & Restore Edge Treatment


