So, I've had a minute to get completely settled in. Yeah right, my unpacked suitcase is still staring at me.  I have no idea why I hate unpacking so much, maybe it's cos I'm hoping someone would say there's another trip to take and I'll be completely prepared.

Anyways, my sleep pattern is pretty much back to normal and that's the best thing I could ask for leading into this week. This week on the blog will be dedicated to recapping Berlin. Today is the lovely people, faces, smiles I met. I have to say, one of the best things about traveling really isn't just the new sights and food, but the people

In my limited experience of 4 days in Berlin, one of the best places to people watch (shopping is secondary) is the MauerPark Flea which is held every Sunday.  It's massive, any and everything you may need or simply want can be found there. It had come highly recommended and was walking distance from our amazing hotel (Ackselhaus), more on Ackselhaus later. 

We also were lucky to get to Berlin at the height of one major and one less major event. First, the World Cup, which Germany went on to win (Congrats Deutschland)- so you can imagine the high energy, frenzy, euphoria that was in the air. And there was the less major but just as fun Burgers and Hip Hop Festival. A competition to find the best burger in Berlin. The hubby, myself, the lovely Australian Lucy (who decided to quit her job, sell her home, pack her gear and travel the world - not the last person we met with this story) and Sebastian of BerlinFoodTour (who had just finished taking us on food tour of Berlin) all decided we had just a little more room for Burgers and proceeded to stuff our faces until we could come up with a not quite unanimous winner. 

I could go on and on, for now, enjoy a glimpse into the faces we met along the way. 

And thats all for now folks.  More stuff coming all week long.

Have a Happy Monday and a Happy work week.


