Oh Paris, how I love thee. Even when you are chilly and wet. It was definitely colder than I expected, although on our last day in Paris, the sun came out full blast and it made it almost impossible to leave. I have been meaning to post a recap for a few days now but its almost impossible to sit down on a computer when you're on vacay (its almost all over...NoooOOO!!) , I did however mange to post some pics on my Instagram.

My fave part of Paris was getting to spend time with friends, chatting and eating and eating and eating. My study abroad roomie who always thinks ahead, grabbed us some passports seen below for the 2nd annual Heures Heureuses (Happy Hours). The concept is so brilliant I hope it makes it to NYC. Basically between the hours of 5.30pm and I think as late as 9pm, several bars, restaurants, bakeries, cheese shops etc in the different arrondissements have special 2Euro tastings. Below are some of pics of what we tried out. We were giddy as kids each time we got a stamp in our passports indicating which places we had visited. If I had the time and the stomach for it, I would have gone on a crazy marathon to visit every single one (not recommended cos they're literally hundreds).

Next time: some Amsterdam pics.
Catch ya soon.
P.S.  Thanks to all those who entered Amy Stewart's giveaway. Winner has been announced. 

