And the winner is....

Thanks for all the birthday wishes, it was a very good one.
I enjoyed mulling over the comments; funny, touching and everything in between.
Here's just a sampling of what people had to say about the best gift they'd ever received. 
(Hate choosing only a few, as all the comments were so insightful.)

readnrainbow said...
...The best gift I received was life. Let me explain. When my father passed away unexpectedly 3 years ago, it shook my foundation and caused me to 'wake up', to stop going through life and instead to live it. As a result, instead of cancelling my trip to Greece (I found out as I was heading to the airport), I took a deep breath, and felt my father urging me to continue with my dream, to be the best me, to LIVE, to love and to BE. And I've never looked back since. And I've been a happier person for it!

Elle said...
...The best birthday present I received was from my husband. It was simple just a cake and some flowers... why it was the best was the country that we lived in at the time did not make traditional birthday cakes. So he had to walk, catch a bus, get on a subway to pick up this cake and do all of that in reverse just to give me a small birthday celebration. Sometimes is it is just the smallest gestures that make the largest impact. 
Ashlei M. said...
The best gift I've ever received was a trip to Rome during Christmas with my Dad. We spent 3 days there, toured the city and got to go to Midnight Mass at the Vatican and literally sat four rows away from the altar (somehow we sneaked our way into the VIP seating area, haha!). It was the perfect Christmas vacay!

Elizabeth said...
The best gift I have ever received was a red leather brief case that my mother gave me for my law school graduation. It was adult enough that it acknowledged that I was about to be a real grown up and cool enough to help me maintain my identity in the legal world.
NearNThere said...
I would say that the best gift ever is my son - he's the gift that keeps on giving. In terms of material things, I would say pearl earrings from my husband, just because I know how much he HATES shopping and I know how much effort went into figuring out what to get for me :)

Alice said...
The best gift I've ever gotten was when I was leaving home for college and my mom gave me a cross necklace that belonged to her father. He gave it to her when she emigrated to the United States to protect her on her long journey. That necklace was/is extremely special to her so the fact she was willing to give it to me for the same reason was very special.

savannah said...
The best gift I ever received? hmmm my dad gave me a car for my 16th b-day it was junk and broke down all the time it was my first car :)
vwestermeyer said...
my best birthday gift was a sentimental letter from my daughter - thanking me for all I'd done

So without further ado.
The winner is.....

Emily said...
Best present thus far has been a super cheap pair of earrings that match EVERYTHING. Perfect!

Hi Emily, my book came in 2 days ago, you'll love it. Email me at with your deets so I can get it on its way.

To everyone else, this was so much more fun than expected. Wish I could give everyone one.
(me thinking super hard).

P.S.  in the aftermath of the 4th of July, hope you didn't overdo it like I did. 
No good comes from overeating.

winner selected using


New Find: South African Street Style


Happy B-Day USA