
I.   Downton Abbey: so good I skipped bedtime. Don't sleep on Masterpiece theatre.
II.   The Killing: if you love a good mystery.
III.   Arrested Development: finally catching up on Hulu+, wonder what took me so long.
I.   Earth Balance buttery spread: trying to avoid dairy. I've noticed my acne clears up when I do, but it's a very trying commitment for someone who loves butter, cakes and cheese. Well this little gem is really making things alot easier.
II.   COCONUT OIL: I bought it for my hair but ended up using in my food- hmm hmm good.
III.   Alexia Spicy Sweet Potato fries: never knew something so tasty could come out of a freezer bag.
To the 80's: The past month haven't listened to anything from 2000 or later. I needed a break.

I.   Tracy Chapman: Fast Car

II.   Pretty Poison: Catch me I'm Falling(so perfectly 80's)

III.   Sheila E: The Glamorous Life

Drool Worthy


Printed Scarves