Going Green


I'll admit, going green hasn't come easy for me.  I manage to do the little things at home like separating the paper from plastic, even though I should altogether be avoiding plastics.  I try to print double sided at work to save paper even though I should probably only print what I need.  I subscribe to magazines even though most of the content is available online.  I download books to my phone but can't let go of stocking up on paperbacks.  I switched out most of my lightbulbs to CFL's, too bad I suck at turning off the lights when I leave the room.

I guess the point is, I probably won't be able to do everything I need to, but I'm happy that I try.  I'm happy I remember to make an effort, but I'm gonna make a little promise to myself to get better.  Next on my list of small changes- stop using 3 plastic bags for each small load of groceries I buy.  I promise to remember to grab my reusable bag when I step out, and these fun looking options should make that just a little easier.

Ecofriendly reusable bags by FashionableNotes, from $20
Above market bags by WhiteAppleThreads, from $20

Etsy Look of the day


Spring Turbans