Learn something Everyday

In a post from a few days ago, I shared that the vacation rental option has increasingly become my favored option for accommodations when traveling. 

Well, you learn something everyday.  Courtesy of a comment left by imthewritegirl, I just discovered airbnb.com- a truly cool travel website for vacation rentals, sublets by the night and private rooms.

I already killed about an hour drooling over some of the beautiful and luxurious options at all price ranges.  But what really caught my eye were the less than ordinary options.  Some of them are really out there- u gotta love it.

Giraffe Manor: Nairobi, Kenya

Yup, the giraffe visits you in the house, while you eat.

Fuselage Home: Costa Rica

I could see hardcore Lost fans signing up for this one, but then again.

Discovery Boat: India

On the water and sleeps 3, with real beds.

Light Filled Loft:  HongKong

Just cos I love open space lofts.

Thanks again imthewritegirl- really nice find.


A collection of CRAVES


Happy Monday