Yeah, so I kinda went M.I.A. there.  I normally blog pretty much everyday and didn't realize how much I would miss it. It seriously hasnt been that long and yet I feel like its been a mini-eternity since I sat down to blog. 
Of all weeks to get crazy, it had to be this one. The lovely Hallie of Courvesier extended an invite to me to attend Gabrielle Union's birthday celebration. And I love me some Gabi and can you believe I had to skip. I died a little bit inside when I saw the fab event Courvoisier threw for the tres fab Gabi.

all images courtesy of Courvoisier
I can't wait for my schedule to open up in a few months. I have been close to unable to attend most anything these past few months (besides a quick stop at a HappyBlackWoman event and a tasting at DeliciousEndings, both were well worth it).  But this craziness will be over soon enough and then I'll be able to hang out with my girlfriends a little more cos at this point, they may have slowly but surely started deleting my number (you know when you start feeling like you've not been a very good friend).
Anyhoo, this is all temporary, so bear with me while I get things sorted.  My intention is to keep blogging at close to 100%- that's the goal. 
And that giveaway I've been talking about, its coming October 30.... and cos I've said it, it has to happen. 

