The nicest thing

Phone ringing non-stop, emails to reply, meetings to attend, deadlines to meet, YUP- it was one of those days.  That was until I received a text message from the hubby that I had been blogged.  I knew I had to get a minute to see what he was talking about.

Thing is, I have not been a part of the blogging community for that long, but I have to say all the bloggers I have met and communicated with have been the BEST.

Natural Belle of hairspiration posted about my lil' blog and had such nice things to say that I don't even know where to begin.  I think I can start with a BIG THANK YOU to her, and you honestly should check her blog out. Case in point:

NaturalBelle: Have that same scarf, been keeping it on my neck, wouldn't have figured out how hot it looks tied us as turban.

Gotta luv it:  Natural Belle at




PTI: Do you Goodreads?