Now Listening TOYA DELAZY

Don't usually visit artist websites but I checked hers out and glad I did. 
I would tell you more about her but she describes herself so well in her mini Bio:
"Yo Wadup! My name is Latoya Buthelezi musically I go by Toya Delazy. Just to be upfront I am crazy in that buck sort of way and I have had one of the most amazing journeys while living this life. So where do I begin? Zululand, in the country of South Africa, that’s where I was born, yes! The fierce fire of Shaka runs through my veins and I trudge over thorns and put out fires with my bare foot, lol, right! Actually I come from a humble upbringing went to boarding school at the age of 6, a convent hostel that is, so I can recite the entire Hell Mary (!), rather the Ave Maria in one giant yelp and backwards. Thanks to my convent school too I was introduced to my love for the piano - but that is about it… 
Skipping past the primary phase I’d rather talk about recent highlights than detrimental school yard funk. University in 2009: Howard College Durban. I chose to study Jazz piano, best choice of my life - although I failed the first year and was encouraged to give it up but hey! No one tells me what I cannot do, I was just going through a rough time, talk about encouraging a sister instead of breaking her down geez, tough crowd!..."

Read the rest here.
Then, watch and listen to this fun tune.

....and yeah the outfit and colors (u'll see what I mean)
completely coincidental.
I was gonna post about her a while back and then found photo today and we rocking similar outfit.
I didn't even notice till the hubby pointed it out.
I'll just chuck it up to "great minds"...
P.S.: I'll be announcing GIVEAWAY WINNER shortly...

Pretty Origami


Worth Watching