Pardon the Interruption: It's a blizzard out here

courtesy NYTimes

Yesterday it was cute.  It was cute because I was home sitting in my bedroom wrapped in warm fleece, looking out window and saying "how lovely".  Today, it wasn't so cute.  Trying to make it into work in one piece, without slipping, falling and embarrassing myself, it wasn't so cute.  Realizing there were really no running trains, buses, planes or automobiles.  Trying to avoid being blinded by huge chunks of already fallen slow blowing straight into my eyes- yeah it just wasn't as cute anymore.

courtesy NYTimes

I'm not exactly certain how far out across the East Coast the blizzard hit, but here in NYC, I can say we got hit pretty bad.  A nice slap in face, wake up to reality after a very peaceful Christmas day.

Maybe if I did not have to get to work, maybe if I could have still been in bed wrapped in fleece, maybe if I had time to sled like the little kids and start snowball fights, it would have been cute.  But that was not the case, so I repeat- it wasn't so cute.

And on that note: I'm back.


In the Navy...


Just a Head's up