PTI: I promised I would

Quiet Sunday, watching Get Smart on TNT, realize the SAG awards come on next. I completely missed the Globes, and I had a request to cover some of the dresses on that show. So, here's me trying to make up for that. This is of course a slightly less glam event and there's many usual suspects missing, but here's who I spotted.

Mila Kunis in my fav dress of the night. Still haven't seen Black Swan so she's still the chick from that 70's show to me.
Front view
I'm surprised that I really like this look on January Jones. For some reason, I can imagine that it probably looks much more stunning in person due to the detail and fabric. And I do love black gold and learning to embrace lace.
Simple but beautiful- of the less is more school.  I don't talk much on here about my tv habit, but I LOVE "The Good Wife", so happy Juliana Marguiles picked up an award.
I really wanted to like Amy, Eva or Angie's dresses. They all have a little bit of what I like, but maybe its the pics or the angles, seems there's a little too much going on  with all of them.

I know I missed some people, don't think I'm gonna make it through entire show.  Did you watch? Who did you like?


How I rocked it


Today's Crave: Gold