I think one of the things that makes the Etsy shopping experience so wonderful is the direct line of communication you have with the seller. Alot of times these sellers make up their very own one person team, and even with the bigger shops, you're still talking about a small crew.  I enjoy reading the inspiration and backstory behind every store and every design. This week I'm putting spotlight on:


She makes items in small runs, which basically means, once its gone, its gone- you can get your very own extremely limited editions here, as close to one of a kind you're gonna get. Prices start from $35 to $200.

Also see snippet from her BIO:

"I taught myself to sew in college, and I have been sporadically sewing and designing for the past eight years. I started Minxshop in January of this 2010. The goal of my designs is to create clothes that are interesting and unique, but also comfortable and wearable on a day to day basis. I think we all need something that is easy to put on with a pair of jeans and boots, and not look like we just crawled out of a dumpster. But on the other hand, most of my pieces can easily be dressed up with heels, amazing tights, and weird mismatched blazers and cardigans.

My design aesthetic is fluid and constantly changing. I find inspiration daily in amazing vintage pieces, nature, and by my constant forays into the world of fashion. It might be said that I spend a bit too much time reading various fashion blogs. I am addicted."

haha, a woman after my own heart




Today's crave: Cold much?