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Our new giveaway comes courtesy of Allison of OneWorldTwoHands.
Beautiful and unique hand wrought jewelry.
Let's meet Allison and find out more about OneWorldTwoHands.

When did you start selling on Etsy and Why Etsy?
I named my shop and created my logo and banner back in February of this year, but I wasn't able to open shop until the end of April. I needed to have enough merchandise to make a viable shop and show the range of my items, and of course try to take some great photos and accurately describe my items, etc.. I chose Etsy, because I was absolutely amazed when I stumbled upon it last year when I was planning my wedding. So many talented people, actually able to share their product to a worldwide audience. For example, just since April people from every state except South Dakota have “visited” my shop (are you listening Dakotans?), most of Europe, some of Africa and Asia, and a great deal of South America and Australia. This blows me away!

Is this a full time gig for you?
No, Etsy is not my full time job. I am also self employed in the Billboard advertising field. Additionally I spend about 20 hours each week doing volunteer work. I speak Spanish and so I have been able to use that skill to help in a volunteer educational work, mostly for Spanish speaking immigrants from various lands. So, between these three things, and trying to cook my husband fabulous dinners every night, I stay pretty busy.

How do you manage time to do everything?
I think most people find time to do the things they feel are most important in life. I do the volunteer work because I enjoy helping people. The principle that there is greater joy in giving than receiving I have found to be true. I find true joy in doing that. Also, I think humans are designed to create! Most of us have quite a creative powers within us, whether we recognize it or not. So, I always have had a creative outlet. I feel better and I enjoy the richness of life even more when I express myself in a creative way. Whether that may be through dance, photography, playing the ukulele, writing songs and poems, or hand-forging jewelry!

Your personal fav item in your shop right now:
Well, I can't decide between three actually. Either the “Samarkand Earring”, the “Heights Falafel Earring” in midnight black, or the “Zaragoza Earring”. How can I choose? They are all my babies!

What was first item you ever made/sold?
When I was in sixth grade we took a field trip to the State Capitol Building in Denver, and they were releasing hundreds of balloons up into the sky. I was happily snapping away with my little 110 camera, when a lady approached me and asked if she could buy my photos! Imagine my surprise (I was only 10 or 11). So, she gave me her address and some money and just like that I sold my first photo. But as to the first item I ever made I could never answer that, because I can't even remember! I have always been making or inventing something.

What are your plans for the future?
Well, I plan to continue my volunteer work, because it truly is the most important thing for me. And I plan to always keep learning and seeing the world and it's peoples, and I hope that this will continue to influence and be reflected in my work. I just got married this past September, so I also plan to keep forging a brand new and wonderful life together with my husband!

Do you have a workspace? If so, can you share what it looks like?
My work space is quite small, as we live in a small apartment. I have taken over what was my wooden kitchen table in my very first apartment and spread all sorts of tools, metal, stones, and wire everywhere around it. Shelves would be my dream come true.

Where else can we find your goodies? (website, FB, stores etc)
I have my items in a shop or two here in these beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I also recently created a Twitter account for my business, One World Two Hands. The profile name is 1World2Hands. I haven't really expanded myself much into cyber space, but you can follow me if you like!

For fun: whats on your playlist and fav books
I always have Paul Simon's “Call Me Al”. Perhaps partly because my name is Allison, but mostly because he is such a great songwriter. The lyrics to that song are both thoughtful and hilarious. I also love Jazz. A lot. Dave Brubeck is an all time Jazz great. I also have recordings of a lot of great independent artists to be found only on YouTube. There are some super talented people there with real, raw and human sounds. It's nice to hear some real humans sometimes without so much editing and commercialism. Ukulele players rock!

One of my favorite books of all time is called “Kon Tiki”. It is about a team of explorers in the 1950's.I love it because I think it represents adventure and exploration. Before GPS.

Any brunch recommendations, cos I'm a brunch fanatic.
Probably one of my all time favorite brunches is in Mazatlan Mexico. The Pacific waves crashing, a nice sea breeze. Take a table in the shade and enjoy an enormous Mexican food smorgasbord. Coffee, sweetbread, eggs, chiles, chilaquiles, made to order omelets, fried potatoes, Queso Fresco, roasted salsas made in a molcajete (that lava rock thing used to grind up things), fresh fresh and delicious homemade corn tortillas. Freshly squeezed orange juice, fresh tiny sweet and tart limes to squeeze on everything. I could go on, but I'm starting to get a little choked up just thinking about it. :)

Thanks to Allison for sponsoring this amazing Giveaway!
1) Visit OneWorldTwoHands ETSY SHOP and click on the Facebook Like Button
2) Leave a comment on this post with the name of ONE item you'd like to win.
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Last Entry accepted on Monday, July 4th @ 11:59pm EST.
One lucky entrant will win the item of their choice.
Winner will be announced Tuesday, July 5th @9:30am EST.
Winner selected using random number generator.

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