Walking away from a deal

Sometime last year or maybe a little before I spotted the original Fleabag.  Designed and created by a pair of friends, Brown University grads who wanted a cool eco friendly do it all bag.  Soon as I saw this baby, I knew I wanted it.

Handstitched Fleabags

That was until I spotted the $440 price tag- I also noticed that because it's a signature item, the price wasn't changing.  I have no problem with spending whatever you can afford on things you love yada yada yada, but I have created my own personal boundaries and a budget- so it just wasn't working for me. 

Anyhoo, sometime this past fall, I realized Club Monaco was carrying these bags as part of some special collaboration.

Still priced @ $440

And then it happened. This past weekend, I glimpsed the bag I'd been swooning over at Club Monaco and all the bags were on sale- for $150.  Yup down from $440 to $150.

... and I walked away.


Tell it


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